Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 11

Today was a great day. We had lots of quality time with Morgan and Susan and a very limited amount of time spent driving around. The kids had "Young Marines" in the morning, then we went to the mall to buy Morgan some fall/winter clothes.

After shopping, we all went swimming at the pool and Maddox actually swam! He had on his little floaty that he's been using all summer, but I've never been brave enough to let him go. Ben isn't quite as over protective as I am and, at first, I was mad when I saw Maddox going free. But then I saw his little legs kicking and his arms going and couldn't believe that he was actually swimming around. He knew exactly where he wanted to go and soon figured out exactly how to get himself there by using his arms and legs. I caught it on video and tried to upload it, but it didn't work.

Maddox lasted almost an hour in the pool, but then he decided he just wanted to run around the edges instead of swim. I was worried he would slip and hurt himself and my efforts to get him to walk instead of run were all in vain. I decided to take him back to the room and let Ben and the big kids have some swimming time by themselves. Needless to say Maddox was having tons of fun and did not go back to the room quietly. I had to drag him kicking and screaming all the way back. I put the key in, open the door, and out burst the dogs!! We usually put them in the bathroom if we are going to be gone, but didn't think it necessary since we were only going to be a short while. Big mistake. Not only did they bust out of the room with a vengeance, but as I stepped in to put the still kicking screaming Maddox down, I saw the floor of the hotel room....covered in trash and torn up dirty diapers. Gross! In a blind rage I scooped Maddox back up and stepped outside the room to try to retrieve the beasts. As the door clicked shut I froze...did I have the key? No. I had put it down table when I opened the door.

So now I was not only chasing two wild dogs who don't know what the word "come" means, but I was locked out of my trash infested room with a wet toddler throwing a temper tantrum in my arms. I took a deep breath, pictured my "peaceful place", walked back to the pool, and told Ben he needed to get out and fetch his runaway dogs "now." While he did that I strolled to the lobby, told them I was locked out, and got a new key. Ben and the kids had caught the dogs by the time I got back and were waiting for me by the door. I think Ben knew I was trying hard not to lose it as he asked if I was ok and started picking up all the half eaten trash. I replied with a smile and a "yep", and proceeded to sit on the bed and put my feet up. Time for a break.

After swimming, and the dog fiasco, we had Chinese food and tried to pack up the room a little bit. Let me rephrase: I tried to pack up the room. Ben and the kids were all busy wrestling and tickling each other.

We had set the pack-n-play up next to our bed, but Maddox has refused to sleep in it longer than and hour. The is unfortunate because we only have twin beds. Last night Ben was sprawled out on his his side, so Maddox had me pushed practically off the bed. I only had a little sliver to sleep on and I'm almost 8 months pregnant, I hardly fit. It was extremely uncomfortable and I contemplated sleeping on the floor more than once. I'll have to figure something else out tonight.

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