Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The plan

Ben is taking 2 weeks of leave to travel home for his brother's wedding and then we are going to Tennessee to see Morgan and Susan before heading back to Fort Leonard Wood and finishing up his time as a drill sergeant. We are really excited for this trip and the time off of work, but we could be in for quite the adventure.

I have decided to try blogging each day of our trip to record our trials and tribulations and to share any funny things that happen along the way. Being that I am 7 months pregnant and we are driving 3,000 miles with a 21 month old and two dogs, I'm sure there will be much to share.

Our trip starts out on Wednesday, the 18th and until then I am just trying to fill Maddox's days with as much activity as possible and think of what I can bring along to help make the trip a little easier for him. I got a play tray, dvd player, headphones, some toys and snacks, but I know it is a lot to ask of a toddler to sit in his carseat for so long. We are thinking of doing most of our driving during the night so that he will hopefully sleep most of the way. I say hopefully because we happen to have one of the worst sleepers in baby/toddler history. He always wakes up at least once in the night and you never know if you will get a nap out of him. It is a blessed day when he takes a nap longer than 20 minutes AND goes to bed without screaming his head off. At least I will be used to waking up all night long when the next one arrives, I guess! So yes, we are crossing our fingers that he will sleep while we drive through the night and then Grandma and Grandpa can watch him while we catch a few winks in Ohio.

Wish us luck.....

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